2 / Woman Fell for Man 27 Years Older & Had Baby with Him, but Was ‘Upset’ after Their First Intimate Encounter

She kept saying I was going to be a widow,” she revealed. However, she loved Michael and didn’t care what anyone would think. She was going to marry him no matter what other people said. That friend didn’t end up on their wedding invite list. Gretchen decided to cut her out of her life once and for all. Likewise, Michael’s friends couldn’t understand why he had to date someone almost thirty years younger than him. However, they understood why they made such a good pair after seeing them together and getting accustomed to their presence. During their first night together, Gretchen found herself disappointed. She later revealed she became “upset” because, in her head, she never thought she would be with an older man. Getting Used to Having

Michael AroundIt took some time for her to be comfortable with the fact that she’d be with Michael for the rest of her life, but she eventually came to terms with it. Now, she’s never been happier with their life together. They welcomed their son Shannon in October 2021. Michael had one child from a previous relationship and was also a stepfather. However, Michael being a father to Shannon was different, according to Gretchen. Because of his age, she believes his knowledge and experience made him an even better dad. While he can’t be horsing around with his son all day because his body refuses him, he still loves playing with his son. He is a hands-on dad and has a lot of patience for the little guy. In the same way, people mistake Michael for Gretchen’s dad; people also mistake him for Shannon’s granddad. It’s not an issue to them, and they see it as a laughing matter. However, while it’s been the best experience raising a child together, it’s also come with many challenges. Since Shannon is old enough to have a playgroup, he sometimes brings home viruses that Michael’s immune system cannot fight off, as well as Gretchen’s immune can. However, they’ve learned to take precautions to keep Michael in good health. In fact, at times, Gretchen feels she’s the old lady while Michael is the younger one. Through it all, Gretchen had one thing to say to those in similar situations: she urged others to follow their gut — that they should go for what they want because life is too short to be unhappy. Sometimes, relationships between people with significant age gaps are more successful than regular relationships. What’s your reaction?