15+ Stories About People Who Think the World Revolves Around Them

Anyone of us has probably come across people who truly believe that the whole world revolves around them. These individuals can even be rude and then be surprised why everyone doesn’t like them. You can meet these people everywhere: on a bus or in the subway. But it’s much worse when close people behave tactlessly. My husband and I bought a 2-bedroom apartment. I work remotely, so I started using the small room as my office. Recently, my mother-in-law came to visit. While my husband was walking her around the apartment, I was making tea in the kitchen. A minute later, she came in with my laptop in her hands and said, “There is someone’s computer in my room. Let’s not put anything there. You need to consult with me first.” I even froze and opened my mouth in surprise. I know that my mother-in-law has no insecurities, but I didn’t expect such impudence from her. You see, she decided that one room

rightfully belongs to her, so that she could come to visit us with a sleepover anytime. I told my husband about it, but he doesn’t believe that she could say that. Our family went on holiday to the sea. We booked an apartment with a kitchen. So, we are lying in the living room in shorts and T-shirts, and suddenly hear someone opening the door and going to the kitchen. We were stunned. We went in, and there was a man. We say, “What are you doing here?” And he replies, “There’s no kitchen in my room, so I’ll cook here.”I’m hypersensitive to perfume: I get a terrible headache for a half a day from strong smells. Even if I walk past a perfume shop, I have to cover my nose with a scarf. My mother-in-law takes advantage of that. She pretends that she cares for me, offers me help with the children, gives me money for holidays. But every time we meet, she uses a lot of perfume even on her outerwear. When I remind her of my allergy, she smiles sweetly and says, “Oh, I forgot, sorry. Next time I won’t use perfume.”