My Husband Wants Our Daughter to Stop Using Period Products Because It Makes Our Sons Uncomfortable

Living with one bathroom and three teenagers can get pretty complicated, especially when it comes to dealing with periods. Our reader’s daughter just started her period, and her two teenage sons are grossed out by it. What’s worse, her husband is siding with the boys, which is upsetting for both our reader and her daughter. Our reader dropped us a message.Our daughter just started her period. We also have two teenage sons, one is 14 and the other is 16.

We have one bathroom, and she occasionally leaves her period products there. Once, our sons saw a used pad in the trash can. They were shocked and said it was “disgusting.” I explained to them that periods are normal, but my husband stepped in and asked our daughter to hide everything she uses and disposes of during her periods. He says it makes the boys uncomfortable.