My kid vanished when he was just 10…

Ah, the carefree spirit of youth—often leading teenagers to make the most impulsive decisions. But sometimes, those very decisions can shape our lives in the most unexpected ways. Let me tell you about Joey, a bold 16-year-old who dared to chase his dreams, no matter the odds.

Joey was a young boy with an unwavering desire to become a doctor. Living on a rural farm with his widowed mother, Flora, he knew that pursuing his dreams would mean leaving behind everything familiar and venturing into the unknown.

One day, with a mix of excitement and trepidation, Joey left a heartfelt note beside his mother’s sewing machine. It read, “Dear Mom, I’m off on a journey to chase my dreams. I’ll always love you, and I’m sorry for causing you worry. Take care. With Love, Joey.” With that, Joey embarked on what he thought would be a grand adventure, unaware of the challenges that lay ahead.