2 / He Stole Our Wedding Gift—The Shocking Truth Behind My Father-in-Law’s Life-Saving Act

I required clarification. Looking around the room, I saw Gerald standing by the bar, having a drink and speaking with some family.“Pardon me,” I replied as I walked up to the group. “Gerald, might I have your help for a minute? It’s crucial. Gerald nodded while appearing astonished. Naturally, Nora. What’s going on?” I showed him where the silence was. “Gerald, I just saw something really weird on the wedding video.” A faint paleness crept across his face. “Oh? “What did you observe?” “I watched you grab one of our presents and head off. What is happening?” Gerald took a wary look around before leaning closer. “I can explain,Nora. It isn’t what you believe. “So what is it, then? as it appears that you are taking from us quite a bit.”He rubbed his forehead and let out a heavy sigh. “I promise that I wasn’t stealing. I was attempting to keep you safe.” “Defend me? From where?”Gerald trailed off into a whisper. “From Vivian. She is planning a sinister scheme.” Confusion gripped my brow. “What do you mean?” “I heard her talking to herself in the dressing room earlier today. She was babbling incoherently about some scheme.” “What plan?” “She placed silverware that she had scraped with orange peels inside that present box. She is aware of your allergy.” I instantly felt dizzy and gasped. Although my orange allergy wasn’t life-threatening, it did result in a terrible rash that prevented me from going outside in the sun. Had I touched that cutlery…

“But why would she do that?” I questioned, still finding it difficult to take in this knowledge.Gerald’s face was serious. “Her intention was to spoil your honeymoon. She reasoned that you would have to cancel if you had a rash. Additionally, as there is no return for the tickets—” “She and you would get to go instead,” I said, feeling nauseous.“Exactly. I could not allow that to occur. My goal was to remove the cutlery, clean it, and return it before someone noticed.” In an attempt to stabilize myself, I leaned against the wall. “Gerald, I don’t know what to say.” “Oh my gosh, Nora. It appears awful, I know. All I wanted to do was avoid making a scene at the nuptials.” I nodded, continuing to think. “I recognize. I appreciate you being honest with me.” With a worried expression, he questioned, “What are you going to do?” I inhaled deeply and stood up straight. “I must speak with Finn. Together, we will solve the problem.” I left Gerald and went in search of my new husband. He was smiling at my reaction, but he was talking to some college pals. “Nora? What’s not right?” Finn excused himself from the gathering and inquired. I drew him away. “We must speak. It concerns your mother.” Finn knitted his brow. “What about her?” I told you all that Gerald had told me. Finn’s expression changed from bewildered to irate to wounded. He shook his head and remarked, “I can’t believe she’d do something like that.” “What should we do?” I questioned while firmly holding his hand. This isn’t the place to confront her. The wedding would be ruined by it.”I gave a nod. “Your father has already cleared the cutlery. Perhaps we ought to just act as though we don’t know?” “For now,” Finn said. “But we’ll have to deal with this eventually.” We tried to act natural as we entered the party again. But I felt sick every time I saw Vivian, dancing and laughing. She came up to hug us both while we mixed with the visitors. She exclaimed, “I’m so happy for you two.” I feigned a laugh. “Thanks, Vivian.” She gave my arm a pat. “Your honeymoon is going to be incredible. When you go back, I can’t wait to hear about it all.” I looked over Finn’s shoulder and met her gaze. He appeared to be as uneasy as I was.We’re pretty excited about it, I remarked in a tight voice. The longer the night went on, the more I observed Vivian. She laughed and conversed with the visitors in a very regular way. How could someone with such a gentle appearance be so cruel? She once cornered me over by the bar. “Nora, darling, have you opened any of your gifts yet?” I gave a headshake. “No, we’re waiting until after the honeymoon.” “Oh, you just have to open mine,” she demanded. “I discovered the most exquisite collection of silverware. I am aware of your passion for cooking.” I forcefully gulped. That is really considerate. When we return, we’ll definitely put it to use.” Vivian smiled. Fantastic! I’m forward to hear what you think of it.” I felt a hand on my shoulder as she left. Gerald was the one. Silently, “You okay?” he enquired. I gave a nod. Yes. Again, thank you for… you know.” He gave me a shoulder squeeze. “Obviously. Just that I caught it in time, that’s all.” The remainder of the event seemed to fly by. Together with our pals, Finn and I danced and joked, trying to act like nothing was out of the ordinary. However, I couldn’t get rid of the tension that was there. I watched Gerald slip back into the reception area carrying what appeared to be a familiar-looking box as we prepared to depart. He gingerly set it down on the gift table before vanishing back into the throng. Finn approached me from behind and put his arms around my waist. “Ready to go?” I reclined in his presence. “More than ready.”I got one more look at Vivian as we dashed to our waiting car amid a shower of rice and confetti. She was grinning and waving, looking like the groom’s proud mother. I waved back, mixed with a hint of regret and rage. After this, how were we supposed to proceed? Finn gripped my hand in the car. “Hey, you okay?” I gave his fingers a squeeze. “Yeah, just… processing everything.”He gave a nod. “All right, let’s work things out together. We are now a team, no matter what happens with my mom.” I grinned as my love for my new husband surged through me. “A group. That seems good to me.”I made an effort to think positively as we drove off into the night. We had gotten married. It was a lovely wedding. And Gerald salvaged our honeymoon with his quick thinking. However, I couldn’t get rid of the impression that this was only the start of a much larger issue. Knowing that someone you should love and trust attempted to harm you, how can you move on? I was still lacking the answers. However, glancing at Finn, I knew that we would face whatever lay ahead as a team. Better or worse, isn’t that right?